In lieu of a May luncheon, the Carolinas Chapter of RIMS invites you to join us at this fun event open to all golfers, regardless of skill level. The purpose of this golf outing is to raise funds for educational opportunities of Risk Management students. For this reason, all group pairings at the silver sponsorship level and above will be filled first and any remaining spots on a wait-list basis. Individual registrations will be accepted for single players. Format is Captain's Choice - 18 holes and Golf Cart is included. A single score is kept for the foursome and no handicaps are needed.
Event Details:
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Tega Cay Golf Club (15083 Molokai Dr., Tega Cay, SC 29708) | 803-548-3500 x232
8:00am - Registration
9:00am - Shotgun Start
2:30pm - Lunch, Raffle, and Awards