As we enter the hurricane season of 2011, being prepared and having an organized plan is the best way to prevent severe windstorm-related damage. Join us on April 21 at the Carolinas RIMS monthly luncheon when we are joined by Mike Smith from Accuweather to discuss hurricane preparedness.
In 1981, Mike founded WeatherData Services, Inc., a company credited with saving countless lives and preventing hundreds of millions of dollars in property losses. In 2006, he sold the business to AccuWeather and new resulting company, AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions is the leading company in the field of weather risk mitigation. He has received 18 patents in the fields of weather science, emergency management, and search and rescue. A Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, he has received their award for Outstanding Contribution to the Advance of Applied Meteorology and, twice, their award for Outstanding Service to Meteorology by a Corporation. In addition to his work at WeatherData, he is a frequent speaker and author of both popular and technical weather-related topics. He has appeared on The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, and all of the major networks. Recently, Greenleaf Book Group published Mike’s first book, Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather. Mike lives in Wichita, Kansas and is married with three grown children.
Social/Registration: 11:30am
Lunch: 12:00pm
Be sure to register for the luncheon today. See you on April 21 at the Renaissance Hotel.